Biography, Autobiography & Memoir

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“Sitting Pretty is filled with enough anecdotes to keep movie fans happy and intimate details enough for gossip fans as well.”

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“When he was only five years old, the Cuban-American writer Oscar Hijuelos lost the Spanish language, and with it his sense of himself as Cuban.

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“a fascinating, illuminating, engaging story of what it takes to be successful at the highest levels.

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“Such promise. Such disappointment. . . .

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“Simply put, a book that lingers, chapter after chapter, on the merits of other works, novels, shorts stories, memoirs and nonfiction, must itself be able to withstand comparisons to these

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“The author offers considerable insight into the political climate in the country at that time—particularly President Woodrow Wilson’s tormented conscience regarding entry into the fray.”

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Écoutez et répétez. Listen and repeat.

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“While Waltzing with the Enemy contains an historic and personal account of life during the Holocaust, it also delves into the lasting repercussions such tragedies provoke in futur

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“This biography is a comprehensive journal of Frederick Law Olmsted’s life written with great precision and exhaustive historical specifications; but these elements do not get in the way of

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Not Dead & Not for Sale tells the tale of false starts and unfinished business—the heartbreak of true genius both realized and wasted and the ongoing battle against indelible demons.

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Christopher Hitchens. The name alone is polarizing. Mentioning it causes some to spontaneously applaud, others to spontaneously combust.

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Taking a one-year sabbatical off from a high-flying advertising career to explore the potential of a range of minimum-wage jobs might not be a possibility, or even a vaguely conceived idea for ever

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How might a woman harvest meaning from the rich and devastating complexities of her life? In The Late Interiors, Marjorie Sandor explores this question.

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Biographer Michael Feeney Callan gives a strong indication of what we may expect from his new work, an exhaustively researched volume on the career of actor, filmmaker, and champion of independent

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Right up front, Jennifer Grant tells her readers that she was very resistant to the idea of writing a book about her father.

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This is one nurse’s story, but should be required reading for any nurse, nursing student, or individual who is spiritually seeking after a time of loss.

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Grace Balogh is almost 30 years old before she found out her birthday was April 6th and not the 16th.

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In the Information Age, the sacred bonds of tech hookups trump the holy vows of matrimony.

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Were I suddenly granted the power to assemble the greatest dinner party in history, Oriana Fallaci would most certainly occupy a seat at the table.

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Joe DiMaggio as an autistic ballplayer is an interesting concept. Jerome Charyn explores this theory in Joe DiMaggio: The Long Vigil.

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In the late 1970s and early 1980s, a cadre of freewheeling, Southern pot smugglers lived at the crossroads of “Miami Vice” and a Jimmy Buffett song.

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A Bosnian woman once asked author Eric Greitens “Why don’t you do anything?” At the moment, the question led to a frustrating conversation; Mr.
