“While histories may not provide the comfort of clear resolutions, Geary’s research, writing, and graphics assure us that we’ve experienced compelling narratives.”
“British journalist Robert Verkaik tells the story of Market Garden’s failure in the context of one of the most remarkable and consequential spy stories of World War II.”
“Jade Scott explains that, depending on your belief, Mary Queen of Scots was innocent, naïve, cunning, manipulative, deceitful, adulterous, tyrannical . . . and more.”
“details the history of the Mohawk men from eastern Canada’s Caughnawaga reserve who supported their families by constructing some of the longest and tallest bridges and bu
George Cukor began directing at the beginning of the sound era and continued until he was 81 years old, when he directed his 55th production, Rich and Famous.He wasn’t as versati
“This work is far more than a beautifully illustrated coffee table book. The author has done 50 years of in-depth work on the subject and in other experts' research.”
In her Acknowledgements, author Amy Gamerman writes, “A story like this comes along once in a lifetime.” Readers can be grateful that Gamerman was there when this story came along, and that she—as