Darren Richard Carlaw
Darren Richard Carlaw is a British writer, editor, and researcher. He studied and taught at the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, where he completed a Ph.D. thesis examining the New York literary flâneur. His work has been published in the Times Literary Supplement, the Journal of American Studies, Conserveries mémorielles, Spilling Ink Review, and Fractured West.
Dr. Carlaw has what many would describe as a lifelong wanderlust. In literature, this manifested itself as an early fascination with the figure of the picaro and the flâneur. His reading led him to wander the streets of many a great metropolis, from Manhattan to Moscow, with a notebook close at hand. After completing his doctoral thesis, he explored much of America on foot, by Greyhound bus, and by car. Despite living in the North East of England, he is continually drawn back to New York City. During each visit, he endeavors to walk the entire length of the island, from Battery Park to the Harlem River and marvel at the accelerated state of reinvention in which the city is perpetually held. In founding StepAway Magazine, he aims to encourage writers to rediscover the dirty magic of the street by repeatedly treading the sidewalks of their chosen cities.
Dr. Carlaw is currently writing a monograph about walking in New York City.