“Traditionally, we are seen as victims of our biology and environment, but Whitehouse offers the intriguing (and even fun) view that we are the masters of our destiny.”
Sebastian Junger’s journey through the murky labyrinth of the near-death experience begins with an eerie series of events, if not premonitions, as if he was preparing for his death while fighting f
“Sometimes nonfiction is even more intriguing than fiction, and Preston certainly knows how to keep readers’ attention while taking them on a journey into the mysteries of the past.”
“The Future of Geography is a serious and very readable book important for all people—not just scientists, generals, and politicians—to absorb and contemplate.”
“something for history buffs, aviation enthusiast, aeronautical students and anyone interested in how America developed some the most advanced aircraft of the Cold War and into the 21st cen
"a surprisingly rich history. . . . McNeur clearly knows how to find out everything it's possible to discover about these women and the circles they moved in."
Whether you are a vegan or you love beef—whether you grew up on a farm or have never stepped in manure—if you care about land, air, and water quality, humane treatment of animals, thriving rural co
“Eilbert’s book is a testament to the act of seeing, of witnessing, of experiencing and still—as in, nonetheless; as in, despite it all—not turning away.”