Einstein once said universities should stop insisting so much on success: Success is getting more out than you put in. Character, though, is putting in more than you get out.
The poems in A Sinking Ship Is Still a Ship are poetry as ode to the future of hidden, buried things, be they land, soon to be overcome by rising tides and disappeared, or memories of the
“It’s impossible . . . to read Mama’s Last Hug and not see a door opening to a wider view of humans, our primate relatives, and so many other creatures.”
“a powerful and fascinating approach to the great crisis of our time. And it gets to the heart of why climate change such a vexing and all-encompassing challenge.”
Joel Sartore is a National Geographic photographer working around the world with a team of researchers and animal conservationist to save literally thousands of species from extinction.
“In flowing prose and pointed language, Thus Spoke the Plant makes the case that we’re not alone in our thoughts or even in the capacity to think and communicate; in a time of esca
To Heal a Wounded Heart: The Transformative Power of Buddhism and Psychotherapy in Action by Pilar Jennings PhD is a tender and compassionate memoir of the experiences of an early career p
There was a time, and it was not so very long ago, when because we had read the texts of modern philosophy that had suddenly appeared in print, we contemplated Buddhism while we tuned the engines o
“Describing how an enterprising and committed couple invest their life savings in establishing the one and only animal rehabilitation center and sanctuary in the Northern Cape at the time,