Laura Schultz

Laura Schultz is a licensed psychotherapist (LMFT) and freelance writer in myriad genres. In true crime she has published a treatise called “Hiding in Plain Sight: The Psyche of Serial Killers” in Crime magazine. As a featured crime writer online, she wrote “Killing for Attention: Munchausen by Proxy.” Her essay, “Strychnine and Stilettos: The Anatomy of Female Serial Killers,” appears in the November 2010 issue of Crime Spree magazine. In 2011, she wrote the psychological profile in The Casey Anthony Murder Trial by Claudette Walker.
Ms. Schultz’ poetry has been published in such venues as Forth magazine, Writers News Weekly, Abandoned Towers magazine, and others. In 2011, she was the only U.S. poet to be asked to contribute to an international anthology entitled Sudden Thunder, and her personal essay, “A Poet’s Journey” appeared in Coal Hill Review. Her debut poetry book Arise and Shine: Laments from the Darkness, Songs of the Light was released in 2011 by Silver Bow Publishing.
Ms. Schultz has written extensively on women’s issues—relationships, marriage, and sexuality—for magazines such as WE,, and Runway, and has developed advice columns for women. She is considered Runway’s “relationship expert.” In addition she wrote a column entitled “Media Trends” that explored the evolution of and new directions in the erotic aspects of film, television, and advertising. She developed and serves as the administrator for an online writer’s group called Writer’s Etc. that merges authors, publishers, and all those involved in the publishing industry with members of the Hollywood community, their mission being to encourage, support, and provide a networking venue.