“Korda writes that the tragedy of the First World War can best be understood not by reading histories, but rather by reading the poems, letters, diaries, and memoirs of the men who fought i
“The simulcast of the poems within Bad Mexican, Bad American present the complex dynamic of this dual identity as easily as the morning sun rises, caresses the sky, then transits t
Graywolf Press, renowned for its commitment to publishing a rich array of high-quality literature spanning essays, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, is marking its 50th anniversary this year.
In this book recently released in paperback, poetry lovers will savor 100 compelling and beautifully rendered poems about grief, loneliness, and the human condition crafted over the past 200 years.
Trying to determine the best of anything is difficult. What are the criteria? Who is making the decisions? Who is always expected to be among the best?
“Kirby has created a book that is also a lit picture window into a world that looks a lot like this one, but is infinitely kinder, more gentle, more full of awe and wonder and love . .
“On Imagination” is the opening poem in Library of American’s African American Poetry: 250 Years of Struggle and Song. It was written by Phillis Wheatley in the mid-17th century.
Anthologies of poetry tend to resist reviews, but when a collection like the humorously named Halal If You Hear Me, (halal, at play with holler, is the Arabic word for pure or kosher) sets
Contemporary Greece stands at the precipice as it recovers from the 2008 currency crisis. The Syrian Civil War has placed Greece as an entry point into Europe.
“Left-Handed: Poems is strongly recommended to all poetry lovers and to all readers who find they must radically change their lives in order to live more authentically.”
“What emerges from this authoritative yet accessible collection is a portrait of one of America’s most original and intuitive thinkers, a man for all seasons, along with the fruits of his w
“This selection of Patchen’s best by one of his intimates is clearly a gift and tribute to the man and his work, . . . Kenneth Patchen may be experiencing a real revival in his 100th year.