David Rosen

David Rosen is a writer and business-development consultant. As a writer, he critically explores American history, public policy, media technology, and sexuality. He is the author of three books and, since 2006, has published nearly 200 articles in a wide variety of outlets. Professionally, he served on the management teams taking public two media-tech startups and been a consultant to many for-profit companies, nonprofit organizations, and independent entrepreneurs and media makers.
In addition, Mr. Rosen was convener and executive producer of “Digital Independence: A Forum on Creativity, Technology and Democracy,” a multiyear conference supported by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, among others.
He served on the boards of directors of the Independent Television Service (ITVS/PBS, Treasurer), Film Arts Foundation, National Video Resources, MoMA Video Collection. He was a featured presenter at MIT’s 2013 Media-in-Transition conference, addressing the opening plenary panel, “Oversharing,” on digital media and privacy, and presented a talk, “Sexting & the Pornographic Imagination.”