As Americans prepare to go to the polls in November what better time for adults to take their 4–8 year olds on a tour of the White House in this interactive picture book by Lindsay Ward.
“brings together Hoover-style surveillance and Goldman-style anarchism with the force of inevitability [that] reflects both top-notch detective work and consummate crime writing.”
No bureaucracy has been more affected by the rapid changes wrought by the rise and proliferation of the internet, social media, crowd sourcing, and information sharing than the intelligence communi
“A duo of enabling events opened the door to the descent into legal unprofessionalism, starting with a Supreme Court decision that permitted lawyers to advertise, at least on a limited basi
Among the literally thousands of publications whose primary subject is Abraham Lincoln, there have been some previously that have dealt with his presidential relationship relative to the Constituti
Reading this book will help you appreciate that, despite many trends in the opposite direction, we live in a world where the values of the Enlightenment still exist.
“If removing a president was easy, Congress would probably do it all the time, since that august body is populated by the representatives of a fickle, emotional, and befud
“Charlwood’s book is divided into 55 short chapters that describe the conflicts that continued to rage after Versailles; conflicts that the League of Nations proved helpless to