Politics & Politicians

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“Solzhenitsyn and the American Culture should serve as a reminder to those of us in the West that civilization is fragile, that democracy and liberty are forever u

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“Paul Betts’ Ruin and Renewal bills itself as interpretative post-World War II history, but it is instead another left-wing assault on Western civilization.”

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“That we have new levels of symbolic saturation via social media should give us a long moment of pause as we consider the intended and unintended effects of the powerful technologies that m

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“an exceptional selection of the top-quality writings of that unique institution that is the American presidency . . .”

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“Alter provides a multi-dimensional portrait of an American president’s journey as a husband, father, and perhaps his most fulfilling role, as humanitarian.”

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What Were We Thinking will give you a fascinating overview and analysis of the books that explain where we are now, how we got here, and where we might be headed.”

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“Ronald Grigor Suny has written a massive, extensively researched biography of Josef Stalin’s early years—from his childhood days in Gori, Georgia, to the Bolshevik seizure of power in Octo

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“makes the compelling case that secession was a much more politically complicated process than generally understood . . .”

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“Mishra’s astute and engaging book should . . . be seen as a warning.”

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“This is a very fast read, regardless of how one feels about the current administration.”

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“Brian Stalter’s book explores the perfidious relationship between the president of the United States and Fox News, an affiliation that explains much about the catastrophe of Trump’s term i

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“Anyone interested in Russia’s continuing undermining of the West, espionage, or simply a good thriller read should delve into this book.”

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“Regardless of one’s political beliefs, Still Standing is a good read with a fast pace; it’s informative, at times humorous, and tells the story of a man who is willing to recogniz

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“. . . this book is a remarkably compassionate story of emotional family horror from which neither uncle nor niece could easily escape.”

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“Demagogue is a beautifully written, richly researched tragedy, a morality tale in three acts.

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“A half-century later, little remains to admire about construction workers wrapping lead pipes in American flags and raining blows on unarmed college students while New York’s Finest folded

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Heather Lende offers a down-to-earth account of life in local politics in her fourth book set in Haines, her small Alaska town.

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In Charlottesville, VA, a statue honoring Confederate General Robert E. Lee has stood for generations.

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“Gewen presents a vivid, insightful, but unsparing portrait of Kissinger’s intellectual development and boundless ambition as he journeyed from Nazi Germany, to the U.S.

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Un-American is most extraordinary because even after the indoctrination of West Point, Edstrom dared to question some of the decisions and the presence of US military as invaders
