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If you have years of articles and website postings about various Australian wine topics, how do you weave all those writings into one coherent book with a single narrative flow?

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“My copy of Wild Flavors is so dog-eared that the book looks like I’ve owned and used it for years. I haven’t—but I intend to.”

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“Willpower combines research descriptions, summaries of findings, and discussion of the application of the research with stories featuring celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey to faci

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“In 1981, She and He (their identities are deliberately obscured) signed a contract which would grant him unlimited sexual services in return for providing her with a house and financial su

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“Go out this instant and purchase Swirl by Swirl: Spirals in Nature by Joyce Sidman.

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“This biography could have easily been titled The Tale of Two Colberts; however, Colbert’s signature ‘truthiness’ seems to befit the style and enjoyment Ms.

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“While this book could represent a celebration of all that romance can represent, that topic was covered in Beyond Heaving Bosoms in a much more authentic way.

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“This book should be read by all “House” fans. . . . All students of psychology . . . Basic issues of personal behavior are covered in a clear, understandable fashion.

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“With the idea of writing a book for the ultimate cookie swap—one with perfect, cheflike confections—Tracey Zabar began hitting up mostly New York chefs and bakers for their best recipes.

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Darkmarket is a lively account of how credit card crime is organized on the Internet and an engaging portrayal of some of the characters who are involved.

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“As a whole, On Bicycles is the kind of essay collection that any major urban public library should own.

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“There is a saying that if you remember the sixties, then you weren’t there; in the same vein, this book should be read by not only anyone with even a passing interest in this fascinating p

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“What we have here is a collection of vaguely amusing errata corralled together with the slightest of lassos, a book with all the organizational clarity of a stand-up act. . . .

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“Had the reader the gift of reading between the lines, he no doubt would find a great deal to love in Luck and Circumstance. . . .

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“. . . take a closer look. This book was written to be used. Tips on how to improve your technique, as well as highlights of interesting ingredients are sprinkled throughout.

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“His enthusiasm for participating in the artistry of an alternate profession that lies beyond the area of his expertise is certainly something that anybody who’s ever pursued a hobby can id

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“Could it be that what feeds both ‘dependence corruption’ and excess lobbying is simply overworked Representatives? . . .

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“In The Magic Room, Jeffrey Zaslow has created a symphony of synchronistic stories with great aplomb, engendering the gamut of emotions for the reader—from joy to sorrow and ultima

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“Beyond classrooms, general readers will likely find a few of the selections compelling and the rest boorish and preachy.

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“The author of such works as Liar’s Poker and Moneyball, Mr.

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“Before Nashville ‘done got all slicked up,’ country-style guitar, fiddles (which became ‘violins’ in the Nashville Sound), and banjos were the predominating instruments.

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“Throughout Rin Tin Tin: The Life of the Legend Susan Orlean presents a story that is as engrossing as it is illuminating, which is, of course, her special magic.

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“Keep On Pushing celebrates the musical and activist legacy of the 60s and laments the current era, in which ‘there exists no one effective organized mass movement of people, march

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“Accessible to both undergraduates and postgraduates, this is an excellent statistical study.
