Pretty Bitches is an often-hilarious collection of essays by brilliant authors that blow asunder the real meaning of pet names and labels often given to vagina owners.
Reading this book will help you appreciate that, despite many trends in the opposite direction, we live in a world where the values of the Enlightenment still exist.
“Deaths of despair” are by suicide, drug overdose, and alcoholic liver disease. Their increase in the US is explained by indignity and loss of pride, not globalization, inequality or automation.
Minda Harts has written a “how-to memo” for women of color in the workplace. It reads less like a guidebook and more like a conversation over drinks after work, in mixed company.
“For a riveting account of contemporary action the visionary Michael Bloomberg is taking to battle environmental degradation and a host of other societal ills, Eleanor Randolph’s unauthoriz
Lean Out: The Truth About Women, Power and the Workplace though purporting initially not to be about Sheryl Sandberg and her well-known treatise Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to
Conformity is both necessary for a society and one of its grave dangers. Cass Sunstein has been interested in this tension for a significant part of his career.
“Boom: Mad Money, Mega Dealers, and the Rise of Contemporary Art tells many wild and rowdy stories about legendary artists and their work, and the gallery owners t
“No one seems to have an answer for the hyper-technological web that infuses every aspect of modern life, and indeed it often appears as if many people don’t want one as long as the program
“Cracks in the Ivory Tower is a sometimes harsh, but honest indictment of the current state of higher education in the U.S. It should be required reading for ever