Craig R. Roach
Craig R. Roach, Ph.D. is the author of Simply Electrifying: The Technology That Transformed the World, from Benjamin Franklin to Elon Musk. This comprehensive, narrative history of electricity won a Gold Medal in the Axiom Business Book Awards and was chosen as only one of eight “Compelling Reads” by J. P. Morgan for its #Nextlist2018. His work has also received favorable reviews from Harvard Business Review, Financial Times, Booklist, and San Francisco Book Review.
Dr. Roach was the founder and President of Boston Pacific Company, Inc., a consulting and investment services firm in Washington, D.C. He has over 40 years of experience with investments in, policies for, and litigation concerning the energy industries, and he is a nationally recognized expert.
He earned his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin, consistently ranked among the top ten economic research institutions in America. His writing focuses on energy, economics, technology, and history, and he is known for an objective and unbiased eye for evidence.