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“To our eyes, though, it is possible to detect an obscure but even more compelling reason for the massive appeal of the New Atheism: it constitutes a new and powerful creation mythology that—like m

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The King of Madison Avenue is part biography, part history of advertising, and part advertising as a business.

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Sure to be on Regis Philbin’s reading list this Fall, as well as on those of the millions of other passionate followers of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team, The Gipper: George G

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to spend a weekend with Coco Chanel?

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One might expect that a book written on the subject of style should be made very reader friendly.  One might expect this, but that is not what is delivered in this reissue of a 1996 edition.Mr.

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In these recessionary times, buying a book like Secret Historian only makes good sense for the frugal reader, in that it consists of a dizzying array of biographies, all bound within a sin

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Immediately after Fort Sumter surrendered, the author tells us of the tremendous enthusiasm for war in both the North and the South.

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Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt, April 2009

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 This is a fantastic account for both general and academic audiences.

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Romance with a social message rooted in Christianity is the basis of Kathi Macias’ Extreme Devotion Series.

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"I have committed 100,000 crimes, and those crimes were just all style."

about the same: selling people a good time they desperately wanted.”


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According to his only child, Christopher, William F.

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Not too many autobiographies begin with the author sliding down the birth canal.

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About 13 years ago, the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas wrote:

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Woe be unto the American marketplace. Its raw commodities are exhausted, its markets sullied; it is a land of bad deals, betrayed customers, and unscrupulous operators. . . .

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This charming book consists of two novellas; the first is Feeding Mrs.

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What makes the information in Design, Measurement and Management of Large-Scale IP Networks unique is that it is based on actual measurements collected from the Sprint IP backbone.

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Although there are many other fields in which it matters, sports is probably the most obvious and most widely recognized area of human endeavor in which clutch performance is observed, studied, and

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In Big Girls Don’t Cry: The Election that Changed Everything for American Women, Rebecca Traister follows key women involved in the 2008 Presidential election, to tell the story “about the country

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When a child is comes into this world, a mother’s heart is filled with joy and unconditional love. No more is that revealed than in Ms. Humphrey’s book, A Mother’s Promise.

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Can a cook’s shelves hold too many ice cream books? Not with summer looming, and not if there’s still space for The Ciao Bella Book.
