Political & Social Science

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“It is noble and inspiring that so many families turn out strong and resilient in the face of adversity, but it is sad that they are so often left to fight their fights on their own . .

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“. . . interesting . . . attractive to an audience much broader than social scientists.”

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“. . . a challenging read, but one guaranteed to stretch and inform anyone delving into Phi: A Voyage from the Brain to the Soul.”

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“Idealistic and impassioned, wide-ranging and concise, pragmatic and eloquent, . . .”

Nearly a half century ago, the Beatles sang,

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“. . . a sort of ‘He said, She said,’ page turner. And it works. . . . both funny and cringe worthy.”

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“. . . a record of human existence—past, present, and what it might be in the future.”

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“. . . a very good textbook for students of political science and political sociology.”

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“Given the great importance of creativity, especially now, these stories and many more make Imagine an engaging, rewarding, stimulating read.”

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“The War of the Sexes: How Conflict and Cooperation Have Shaped Men and Women from Prehistory to the Present is definitely one book that it is quite all right to skim.”

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“. . . there can be no universal recipe for establishing oases of multicultural peace throughout every nook and cranny of our shrinking globe.

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“In every generation there are those who look back somewhat romantically ‘to the good old days; to simpler times.’ Were those times any better (less violent) than today?

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“Why Are Faggots So Afraid of Faggots? is a vital book, highly readable and highly rewarding.

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“The prevailing theme of Freaking Out is that any terrorist threat is overstated and any entity that discusses a terrorist threat has some dark ulterior motive to steer the public

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“Trading Manny is, of course, about the heartbreak two fans feel when their love for baseball is betrayed.

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“‘Heterosexuality is historically constituted,’ she concludes, ‘and for now we believe in it. And this, too, shall pass.’”

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“According to the author the purpose of Sharp’s Dictionary of Power and Struggle is to ‘bring some degree of clarity to academic and public discussion of nonviolent action.’”
