
Reviewed by: 

“Mr. Braly: Man up. Stop spreading gossip about your family. Start protecting your sons [and] Show some respect for the woman who made their existence possible.”

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“Daily Rituals is a delightful exploration of the personalities and private-moment quirks of artists and writers . . .”

What makes the creative spirit emerge?

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“Friendkeeping is a Hallmark card of a book.”

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“‘Friendship might be free, but it requires a real investment.’” —Julie Klam

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“This is simply a collection of incidents Mr. Green seems to believe are ‘dumb,’ when many are simple errors.”

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“Trading Manny is, of course, about the heartbreak two fans feel when their love for baseball is betrayed.

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“Funny, informative, and irreverent, Me, My Cells, and I is perfect bedtime reading for a recently diagnosed prostate cancer patient—no matter what stage of disease is involved.”

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“Is Everybody Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) is a funny, thoughtful, and extremely well-crafted book.”

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“John Hodgman is a juggernaut of funny!”

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“This biography could have easily been titled The Tale of Two Colberts; however, Colbert’s signature ‘truthiness’ seems to befit the style and enjoyment Ms.

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“Joni Cole’s voice may be brutal, but readers, drawn to turn to the next page, will be rewarded: She is funny—and so is her gutsy book.”

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“Liberals, conservatives, and anyone else with a passionate point of view all need to learn to laugh at themselves. The B.S. of A. could be a good start . . .”

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“Ms. Eilperin regales us with the facts with all the smoothness of a skilled storyteller. . . .

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Taking a one-year sabbatical off from a high-flying advertising career to explore the potential of a range of minimum-wage jobs might not be a possibility, or even a vaguely conceived idea for ever

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After passing the rigorous entrance exams and arriving at the fabled campus of the world-famous New York Academy of Reviewers, located in the heart of United Nations Plaza, excited new student revi

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Author David Haviland really dug into history to come up with some pretty esoteric stories in his compilation Why You Should Store Your Farts in a Jar (And Other Oddball or Gross Maladies, Affl

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A short, novella-style book with no words, Images You Should Not Masturbate To uses random photographic images of common objects that, when viewed on their own merit, contain no hint of se

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“It’s often been said that ugly people craft and attractive people have sex,” writes Amy Sedaris in the introduction to her new book Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People.

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Surely at no other point in his illustrious career as the reigning Broadway lyricist/songwriter/composer of his time has Stephen Sondheim presented such a disappointing first act curtain.

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“Get your score card! Can’t tell the players without a score card!” The sounds of summer. In an election year, the sounds of the world politic.

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The cover is striking, a rich blue, defining a solitary cloud.

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If you’re a horror enthusiast and have often wondered what makes horror so popular and what compels people to watch it or read it in spite of the fear it creates, then you’ll enjoy this collection

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According to his only child, Christopher, William F.
