“Balancing and mixing, with rhyme and reason, love and anger, good and bad, memory and the created present, all to tell the story of a life, a memoir unrestrained, devoid o
“The raw sensuality, the winsome yen of her language and its ‘small gifts laden with love’s intentions’ leaves no doubt to the reader about the anonymous others she carries through the work
“we are the beneficiaries of not only the hard-won wisdom of a life well-lived but the tonal and thematic variations of a musician poet attuned to the nuance of the pain we, each of us, car
“rather than trying to escape the past, we must instead accept the fact that the past lives with us and within us, and therefore, like it or not, we move back and forth through it daily.”
“Becoming familiar with the Elizabethan language is not easy, but Edmondson and Wells have taken it to a new level with their detail and final explanations.”
“In Sloat’s peculiar genius, in Hotel Almighty, she sets out to prove that there is ‘more than one way to chase away misery’ and she has done it by crafting beautifully rendered po
“Klink is a vatic poet, a seer not just of the body but of bodies in relationship to one another, bodies in relation to the natural world, to the universe both inner and outer.
“The substance behind Shrapnel Maps is substantial and groundbreaking, and poet Philip Metres has created a compelling work within its covers that will bring a new view to everyone
“Ledger records Hirshfield’s most intimate sentiment as she navigates her surroundings, some of which are so profound that words cannot describe them.”
“John Sibley Williams’ poetry gives us hope we can, indeed, get out of the way, if only for the moment through the poet’s words and voice, in short, his song.”
“For over 30 years, Sharon Olds has been writing poems about the unspeakable: bad love, great love, death, childbirth, child abuse, illness, oppression, rape, racism, violence, and sexism.”
“Graber’s great achievement in this masterful collection is that though we never feel the same life flowing twice through any one of her poems, we profoundly feel the myriad ways we are con
“Eve L. Ewing has achieved what the historian cannot. She has restored the blood and sweat to the historical record of a tragic moment in the history of the nation.”