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“Reading about the incredible bravery of American Marines, many not even 21 years old, shows that the long line of brave servicemen that answered their country’s call to service remains unb

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Audience of One: Donald Trump, Television, and the Fracturing of America is a must read for those who want to understand the media phenomenon now in the White House.”

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By now, everyone should be familiar with the almost universally ugly, sordid history of white/European relations with the Native peoples of North America; how they were dispossessed of their land,

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The Cold War needs more great histories like this to show what a truly remarkable time it was, a period of nuclear terror, constant hair-trigger tensions, and the human dr

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The main title of this massive tome comes from Thomas Paine’s Common Sense.

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“This work by Brown, Lipton, and Morisy reminds us that the powerful institutions of the federal government are only as good as the men and women who lead them.”

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Germany was not the invincible juggernaut, the Soviets were merely allies of continence because Hitler turned on them, and the shameful actions of appeasing governments in

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“As an anthology, Leadership in War offers a fine, if not overly in-depth sampling of wartime leadership to show that successful wartime leadership is a rare commodity.

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Life Undercover reveals the rewards that serving the country provide as well as the toll this service extracts with an intimate and compelling portrait of a woman who literally co

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“an excellent strategic and operational analysis of this mostly ignored campaign . . .”

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“The combat photographers whose stories are told in this book occupy a unique place in the history of the war, both chronicling and participating in some of the major actions of the war whi

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“if we are to judge those who collaborated with Nazis, we must deliberate upon their dilemmas in order to deepen our own definition and sense of humanity.”

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No Surrender encompasses a powerful story about human brotherhood and comradeship reckoning with—and overcoming—the evil realities of Hitler’s Nazi regime.”

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"Davis . . . seamlessly blends the immediate events and the background to tell history not well known."

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“‘Sea power did not win the war itself: it enabled to war to be won.’ This carefully researched and incisive book certainly makes this case.”

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This book is absolutely essential reading for anyone hoping to understand post-Soviet Russia and America’s role in shaping its trajectories at home and on the world stage.

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“a splendid book that flies by with a sharp and concise writing style, just what you would expect from a Marine general.”

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“Though one can ultimately disagree with Simms’ revisionist arguments, he has made an impressive effort to challenge the conventional history of Hitler’s approach to the world and war in th

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"Just as courts today are still interpreting constitutional provisions that have been in place from the start, the Reconstruction Amendments have faced the same scrutiny for a century and a

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Given the length of time over which the United States government has conducted nuclear tests, most people should be familiar with the Nevada Test Site, especially given all of the publicity in rece

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“The radicals in Holly Jackson’s informative book speak not only with truth and passion but with a vision of a different, better America.” 

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“With clear prose and an excellent writing style, Stephen Harding, editor of Military History magazine, is to be commended for bringing another interesting story of World War II to
