In his Biloxi Blues, Neil Simon’s stand-in character (nervous about the loss of his impending virginity) asks his comrades in arms why, after a person has made love for the first time, the
The other day a new video emerged from Ukraine of shelling in an apartment project—reporters and grandmothers dash for cover as large, pressure-sucking booms roar through the cement canyon of the c
We were, all of us, at one time not alive, which makes it strange that we should wonder, so widely and so often, what it will be like to be not alive again.
From the first pages of The How: Notes on the Great Work of Meeting Yourself, Yrsa Daley-Ward lets us know that there is no right way to read this book.
“this densely rich book, which places Harrison among the pantheon of our best American poets, will make readers wish in the coming years that he could still send more poems
In her 11th poetry collection, Bestiary Dark, Marianne Boruch goes back to Pliny the Elder, who asked, “The world, is it finite?” The answer is both no and yes.
“Kirby has created a book that is also a lit picture window into a world that looks a lot like this one, but is infinitely kinder, more gentle, more full of awe and wonder and love . .
“In Imagine Us, The Swarm, Muriel Leung takes risks experimenting with non-traditional literary resources to show us the challenges faced by an immigrant family and alienation felt
“Jonah Mixon-Webster’s performance poetry is piercingly complex, composing the pains of African American communities living under unrelenting distress.”
A month ago, in the wake of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere, a poem rapidly gained the absolute and undivided attention of all of the poetry-loving world: fourt