Military History & Affairs

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“Considering adding to your collection of Civil War books? Mr.

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“[certain characterizations in the book ought not] preclude serious consideration of Dr.

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“No other writer has moved me as much as Benjamin Busch has in writing about war. No other writer has created such a moment of grace . . .

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“In one volume, Earl Hess has given readers as complete a study as can be found of this theater of battle.

“Is it necessary to state positively that there is no logical connection between an author’s patriotism, or alleged lack of it, and his or her treatment of historical fact?

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“. . . some readers will no doubt dismiss some of the author’s statements as hyperbole or perceive a pacifist bias. But those distractions are few and far between. Ms.

“The thesis set forth by Stephen Fritz in Ostkrieg is so simple and compelling that it merits consideration even by those who have studied the topic for years.”

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“Conquered into Liberty has a valued place in the library of anyone who wishes to understand the development of the United States and its approach to war.”

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“Fourteen of the twenty people involved in these experiential accounts of WWI were in their twenties when the war broke out.

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“A Convenient Hatred is a profoundly authoritative resource for educators.

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Andrew Feinstein’s The Shadow World is aptly named because it describes in intimate detail the world of arms suppliers and other miscreants who interface with the arms trade throughout the

“Mr. Clark has a reputation for both his deep knowledge of military history and his ability to make it accessible to a substantial reading audience.

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“Beyond classrooms, general readers will likely find a few of the selections compelling and the rest boorish and preachy.

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“Mr. Pelton has sharpened his pen and plugged into individual contractor units to bring us this candid take on the behind-the-scenes players in warfare.”

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“[Gretel Wachtel’s] defiance of the Gestapo and her willingness to serve time in a concentration camp gives Ms.

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Former Ambassador and U.S. Special Envoy on Afghanistan Peter Tomsen’s first book has much to commend it.

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“Mr. Arquilla adds to his academic muscle with an enjoyable work that reads less like history and more like an adventure story.”

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Making real people come alive to readers must be the Holy Grail of those who write historical fiction.

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In this first of four volumes, the editors present a chorus of contemporary voices to give the reader an unusual portrait of the Civil War.

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The Envoy is Alex Kershaw’s testimonial to Raul Wallenberg and his campaign to save the Jews of Hungary from extermination by Nazi Germany in 1944.
