Jerry Mark Silverman

Jerry Mark Silverman is a retired World Bank staff with a Ph.D. in International Relations. He has government and professional experience in more than 40 countries throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. He is also the author of numerous articles in his areas of expertise.

Book Reviews by Jerry Mark Silverman

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Ted Danforth’s book is an attempt to explain long-standing political tensions leading to 9/11. He sees a direct linear connection between “the Huns, Goths, Arabs, Mongols, Turks, Russians . . .

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“. . . anyone interested in either political biographies and/or the recent history of America’s foreign policy [should read] this very interesting and informative book.”

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“[certain characterizations in the book ought not] preclude serious consideration of Dr.

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“. . . there can be no universal recipe for establishing oases of multicultural peace throughout every nook and cranny of our shrinking globe.

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“. . . some readers will no doubt dismiss some of the author’s statements as hyperbole or perceive a pacifist bias. But those distractions are few and far between. Ms.

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Former Ambassador and U.S. Special Envoy on Afghanistan Peter Tomsen’s first book has much to commend it.