
Reviewed by: 

“Donald Trump appears to conceive politics like business and sex—a combat zone contesting personal power, with winning the only pleasure.” 

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“The book’s reputation precedes—and far outshines—its actual content.”

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Neal Katyal makes an unimpeachable case, concise but comprehensive, for impeachment.  The author of Impeach knows the law and how to practice it.

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A Republic, If You Can Keep It opens delightfully with a short autobiography flavored with stories, among them, tracing family history, savoring chicken curry, eluding reporters and camera

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Valerie Jarrett of Chicago was described by the New York Times as “the ultimate Obama Insider.”

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What do we have to truly fear about President Donald Trump? He pulled off the successful re-negotiation of the North America Free Trade agreement.

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Jay Sexton puts American history in a global perspective.

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“Sobering and frightening as his analysis of the president is, it is also a call to arms.”

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President Donald Trump now finds himself, not even two years into his term, besieged by congressional opponents, a special investigator, numerous lawyers, the mainstream media, protesters in the st

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Wouldn’t young people—and even old people—be interested in the real goings-on during presidential press conferences and world-wide travel?

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At the June 2018 European summit the leaders spent most of the time discussing immigration restrictions. Yet the Syrian rush through the Mediterranean is now a trickle.

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What can we learn about the current president of the United States from his children?

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Was there a way for candidate Barack Obama to address chaos in Iraq while also calling for pursuit of Osama bin Laden lodged in a corner of putative partner Pakistan?

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“Who should read War on Peace? Anyone concerned with the fate of America and the world.”

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A speech of General George Patton, a famous World War II warrior, has an uncanny resemblance to the philosophy of Donald Trump. “All real Americans love the sting and clash of battle.

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“Can it happen here? Absolutely. It has happened before. It will happen again. To many Americans, something like it is happening now.” This is the verdict of Harvard law professor Cass R.

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Robert Mueller’s investigations can stop. If they seek proof of a conspiracy between Russian operatives and the Trump campaign to determine the U.S.

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Early in his new book about the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, University of California law and politics professor Richard L.

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“The only thing worse than reading this chilling book is not reading it and thereby failing to fully grasp the depth and degree of America’s descent into madness as it lurches chaotically t

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“a brilliant and indispensable intervention from the socialist left on the real historical, class, and sociopolitical forces at play beneath the national political freak show that is the ne

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“filled with impressive historical research and analysis. . . . profound in its insights, and its conclusions are shocking.”

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“David Cay Johnston is truly Prometheus bound in this sickening reveal of the Trump Administration.”

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George Grundy has done us all a great service: he’s written a definitive and expansive book about the events of 9/11 and its aftermath.

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Among the many myths that the United States government seems to enjoy perpetrating on its citizens is one of the military and civilian branches of government working together in harmony for the goo

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Ta-Nehisi Coates writes with a sound mind and a broken heart, with great power and confessed pain, of America’s relationship to African Americans, of African Americans’ struggle to succeed against
