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As is true with so many things, the pandemic has both brought to light new problems as well as highlighted old ones and hastened trends already occurring. The same is true when it comes to cities.

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Charif Majdlani slays the profiteers of his beloved Lebanon, Hezbollah, Syrian military forces, warlords, and the ruling Muslim contingent equally in his courageous look at the city today.

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“The authors infer that Trump cared more about himself than the country. Their meticulous history of his last year in office certainly supports that view. . . .

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Bigger is not better, at least when it comes to corporate power and economic concentration. This is the thesis of Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar whose book on antitrust law is published in concert

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Here is vital reading for Americans and people anywhere who seek to understand what is happening “after the fall” of the global system created by the United States and shaped increasingly by China

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“I would like to be remembered as someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability.” —Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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The United States confronts many problems besides an often recalcitrant and myopic Senate.

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“The victories of the Civil Rights Movement, the women’s movement, and the triumphs of progressives throughout the 20th century find their origin in the housewives of the Lower East Side an

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“A thoroughly consuming reexamination of one of the most shameful scandals of American political history.”

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Systemic Corruption: Constitutional Ideas for An Anti-Oligarchic Republic’s merit lies in its intellectual energy that the reade

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“Alter provides a multi-dimensional portrait of an American president’s journey as a husband, father, and perhaps his most fulfilling role, as humanitarian.”

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The Grifter’s Club will appeal to political junkies who can’t get enough of the present national moment.”

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This compact but wide-ranging book provides an authoritative analysis of America’s retreat from the world under President Donald Trump.

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Rage is essential reading for anyone hoping to understand Trump and his place—as cause and consequence—in American politics.”

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“Brian Stalter’s book explores the perfidious relationship between the president of the United States and Fox News, an affiliation that explains much about the catastrophe of Trump’s term i

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“For students of both American government and the early history of the republic, this volume fills in a significant gap, while highlighting the political challenges faced by our very first

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“Reaganland delivers a worthy and captivating conclusion to a rip-roaring, revelatory, and definitive four-volume journey through the dark heart of Movement Conser

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Prestigious constitutional law professors can publish whatever they please, ranging from a critical analysis of the Supreme Court cases to outlandish predictions about the Constitution.

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Welcome to the “Rashomon effect” in politics inside the Beltway!

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Who is best suited to understand and explain the cynical marriage of convenience between Donald Trump and America’s white evangelicals—a critical outsider, or a sympathetic insider?

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“With the current campaign ramping up more and more each day, something surely needs to be done to ensure all citizens’ votes are counted and that fairness and legitimacy are the hallmarks

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“It’s one thing to watch an impeachment proceeding play out on television. It’s another to be behind closed doors where strategies are devised and decisions made.

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“When you’re president, you can do anything.” This slogan, adapted by David Leonhardt (New York Times, February 3, 2020) from Trump’s claim about getting his way with women thanks to his T
