
Reviewed by: 

“Gerald Kleinfeld and Lewis Tambs have chosen to highlight the relatively obscure service rendered by Spain to the German war effort on the Eastern Front.”

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There are many authorities who take issue with and raise concerns about the current state of our societal institutions.

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“. . . stereotype . . . of the fusty Oxbridge academic harrumphing at a changing world that does not correlate with his own. . . . not particularly funny.”

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“. . . the story of an incredibly stoic, resilient people . . .”

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“. . . history told through the voice of drama and investigative reporting.”

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“. . . a welcome and interesting work that adds depth and perspective to not only the history of the drum, but military history as well.”

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“This book should flourish wherever it is found . . .”

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“. . . does an excellent job of telling the story of one of America’s finest and darkest episodes in World War II . . .”

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“. . . the kind of compelling narrative that all historians should emulate.”

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This entertaining and well-structured book is an ethnography of the New Domesticity movement which the author sees as sweeping America.

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“Do we really need another book about the Civil War? Mr. Fleming makes a solid, compelling case in the affirmative.”

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“. . . the instinct for survival overpowers all other emotions.”

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“The Third Coast mirrors the place it chronicles . . .”

Stephen Harding is senior editor of Military History and a prolific researcher and military historian whose works include seven other nonfiction books as well as hundreds of magazine artic

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“. . . a marvelous capstone to a trilogy that will make Rick Atkinson to the U.S. Army in the European Theater of Operations what Shelby Foote is to the Civil War . . .”

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“Gold Rush in the Jungle is a book of opposites, discovery vs. extinction, economic development vs. environmental devastation . . .”

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“Know a woman graduating from law school? Give her a copy of this book.”

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“. . . a huge cultural saga worth having and keeping, unforgettable . . .”

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Of all the scientific discoveries that swept the 20th century—from relativity to quantum mechanics to polio vaccine—the deciphering of the writing on thousands of fragments of clay tablets unearthe

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“Reading this book shatters nearly every myth about Florida . . .”

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“The result is a timely, thought provoking, and highly readable study.”

“Stephen Budiansky has mastered the difficulties of the story, making it very readable and compelling.”

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“Most of The Honored Society isn’t about ’Ndrangheta at all. Ms. Reski didn’t have enough material for a full-length exposé . . .”
