
Reviewed by: 

“read this book to truly understand how this dynamic duo formed a loving and unprecedented marriage and intellectual partnership . . .”

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“a truly magnificent volume . . . for any university teaching an undergraduate course in World War II.”

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“does an admirable job of showing how national identity, myth-making, and popular culture can influence the historical narrative . . .”

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Ted Danforth’s book is an attempt to explain long-standing political tensions leading to 9/11. He sees a direct linear connection between “the Huns, Goths, Arabs, Mongols, Turks, Russians . . .

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brings everything about this time in American history bubbling to the top, to be relished and reread.”

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Gloria Steinem is the consummate writer, observer, and political analyst when it comes to exploring issues through the lens of gender.

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John Roth is one of a handful of highly respected and insightful authors on the topic of genocide.

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“a shocking and uncomfortable spin on the usual historiography of 1944 as the year the Allies decisively turned the war toward victory.”

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Killing a King by Dan Ephron is extraordinary in its detail as a behind the scenes account of both the Oslo Peace Accords and the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

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MI6 and CIA be damned! The Vatican and Pope Pius XII during World War II could have put any espionage agency to shame.

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an illuminating linguistic, cartographic, and historical exploration of Parisian lusts.”

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Seventy-five years ago, humanity witnessed the most horrific crime in all of history. Tens of millions of innocent people were murdered in an effort to make Germany the leading world power.

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“In this intricate and intimate journey Rita Gabis brings macrocosmic Holocaust horror into the microcosm of our dining rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms—a noble feat, one you will not soon for

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Life can be very complicated, and we often seek answers to questions that may prove unanswerable. Facing the abiding mysteries of life and death may require enormous courage.

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Americans remember George Washington for a great many things but not as one of the great lights among the intellectuals of the Enlightenment era and the American Revolution.

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“The history of America's most elite fighting force is told with panache and critical analysis . . .”

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The early history of submarines is replete with examples of disasters, not terribly surprising given the limitations and newness of the technology.

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Abraham Lincoln is one of the most haunting presidents in US history. Sightings of his ghost, and his assassin’s, have been reported for more than 150 years.

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Modern day society is familiar with the existence, accomplishments, and exploits of America’s Special Operations forces, in particular the warriors known as U.S. Navy SEALs.

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“May we find the courage . . . to make this land . . . a more just, more reasonable, and more tolerant place.”

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“makes a definite contribution to understanding religious liberty . . . and the thinking of our Founding Fathers on the role of religion and politics . . .”

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“. . . should occupy an honored space next to your copy of On War . . .“

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“For a personal, ground level view of a highly decorated German soldier’s World War II experience, Sturm’s account comes highly recommended.” 

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On July 4, 1866, George Bailey Loring gave a speech. He spoke about the founding fathers, and what they did not do.
