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He tells the story of how his company had to separate from a beverages industry partner, because the latter was too worried about the quarterly bottom line.

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“As always Buruma is a reporter first; he does not argue a particular side without citation and witness.

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“Martin’s historical scope and elegiac prose, laced through with exparlance of the period, is not only grandly entertaining to read, it rescues this bit of cultural history and gives Whitma

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“Anyone with an interest in history, WWII, Nazis, Eichmann, the Holocaust, genocide, or the escape of many powerful Nazis to South America will find this book an amazing collection of old a

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“Assimilated Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto is an excellent analysis of assimilated groups of Polish Jews who were forced to live together in the Warsaw ghetto from 194

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“Finn and Couvee distill the dozens of intrigues and murky political aspects of this coda to Boris Pasternak’s life and legacy in a driving narrative of a major literary figure against the

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“With extensive notes and bibliography, coupled with many tables and illustrations, Learning from the Wounded is an excellent book for anyone interested in Civil War medicine.”

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“This is a fascinating journey through one of the most important speeches in American and world history.

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“As a popular historical work, Dying Every Day is highly recommended for anyone wishing to know how power is acquired, used, abused and to what ends.

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“. . . George Washington’s Secret Six is worthwhile reading.

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“When an economist argues that money is inherently a social phenomenon, that is reason enough to read the book.

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Books like Rebecca Newberger Goldstein’s Plato at the Googleplex are of the rare type that contribute to the popularization of knowledge and create appetite for m

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“An important and poetic look at life in WWII U.S. Japanese-American internment camps but one that fails to engage young readers with an empathetic main character.”

“. . . as if there were any doubt about it, Germans knew about the Holocaust.

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“. . . with modern permutations of American fun, American Fun: Four Centuries of Joyous Revolt offers a history that is about fun and is fun to read.

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The Warrior State is compelling, thought provoking, and extremely well written, without the wordiness and redundancy that seem to plague academic

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This book is rich in detail not only about Billy Mitchell, but also about the many steps taken to finally bring a third military arm into existence.

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“This is not a memoir. It is a political polemic. . . . the biggest problem is Soueif’s blind devotion.

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A Death in San Pietro is a blood and mud soldier’s eye view of a pointless messy slaughter than too often defines war.”

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“. . . solid, strong storylines . . . keep the adventure flying . . .”

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Mr. Morgan has produced a volume that is a must for any Civil War buff visiting or living in New York City.”

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“. . . the book crosses the line from biography to advocacy for a tight embrace between the oval office and the press.”

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The Burglary shows how a small group of committed individuals performed the bravest act of all, exposing Hoover . . .”
