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“Hovitz had the grit, determination and resources to pull herself out of the morass of PTSD. What about the rest of her generation growing up in this post-September 11 world?”

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The Pan-American Exposition opened in Buffalo in May 1901, the latest in a long line of world fairs.

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Modern warfare in general and asymmetrical warfare specifically and in particular in the War on Terror have been especially characterized in recent years by the overarching reach and influence of t

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The German War is an important scholarly achievement in the field of modern German history, and it is written with an epic narrative sweep.”

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Those with an interest in military history, in particular World War II, should be familiar with the efforts of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team (RCT), a formation of Japanese-American citizens who

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There has been a spate of books published during the last few years about the life and career of General Douglas MacArthur. The latest to appear, H. W. Brands’ The General vs.

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“The global balance of power was never really the same after the Suez or Hungarian Crisis . . .”

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Local history can be rich, exotic, complicated, personal, and dark but especially when an incident like the Scopes Monkey Trial serves as an “island” in regional and national social currents.

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a brilliant exploration of the final days of the European theater, valuable in its military analysis and generous use of eyewitness accounts.”

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Code Warriors is an informative, well balanced, and eye-opening history of the NSA.”

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In the opening pages of March: Book Three, the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama has just ended its Sunday school lessons when a bomb explodes.

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And with every day that passes you become poorer within, the internal frost becomes sharper, the heart hardens. Yes, you are alive.

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The media has a hard time, even in documentaries, of presenting factually accurate history and especially so with movies.

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“This is history, through the glass darkly, with all the attendant perils of the great darkness that was the Holocaust in Poland, both during and after the Second World War and in the decades of co

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“provides a fascinating glimpse of a country passing through the twilight of splendid isolation to becoming a world power . . .”

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In recent times of rising Islamophobia, rampant misinformation about Islam, and political rhetoric against Muslims, books showcasing the positive aspects of Muslims in America are very welcome.

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The common perception of the Supreme Court as a conservative body remains a truism, if not a banal cliche.

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Pioneer CIA director and espionage historian Allen Dulles famously wrote that more spy craft commonly went on in any Italian city state in the Renaissance than in the whole of the relatively modern

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“a sharper focus on why the Japanese not only chose to attack Pearl Harbor, but their entire decision making process to begin a war they were not sure they could win . . .”

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“These Marines served their county with bravery, ingenuity, and fortitude, and this book is a tribute to their service.”

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As World War II sinks further into history and people from that era begin to pass, one would think the interest in that period would wane exponentially.

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Among historians certainly, it has been axiomatic that control of the authority and power of the Federal government was maintained by the so-called Southern plantation aristocracy for the first 75

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The major insight of this new and interesting military history of the American Civil War is the overriding importance of the Union’s ability to effectively project military power across continental

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the reader is left with the impression of a brave and resourceful man who served an evil cause . . .”
