
Reviewed by: 

". . . rare but brilliant short story collection . . ."

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". . . a gut-souring, hilarious, meticulously researched medical wonder. . ."

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". . .  Wukovits certainly joins Morrison and James D. Hornfischer as one of the pre-eminent writers on the history of U.S. Navy operations in the Pacific theater."

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“this book is an excellent introduction to the complex issues of East Asia and the potential for conflict in this critical region of the world . . .”

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“an excellent resource for anyone interested in visiting one of America’s numerous Civil War battlefield parks.”

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“an author who has carved out her own territory and made the personal essay into a thing of beauty.”

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Henry Wessel documents life in the 20th century with a well-established black and white photographic style.

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The somnambulant city of Havana, long in a slumber of decay, now seems poised for a new chapter as the world starts “discovering” a new, open, thawing Cuba.

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Unquestionably, Yves Saint Laurent and Christian Dior are eternally and inextricably coupled in fashion history since it is a well known that YSL took the reins when Dior passed.

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"are buildings extensions of us . . . or are we extensions of them?"

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“Tremlett writes so well as to make this read almost as entertaining as a traditional Spanish novel but with thorough balanced scholarship.”

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“a refreshing look at the causes of mass incarceration . . . a must-read for anyone involved in the criminal justice reform movement.”

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“Why are futurists so often wrong, and why do we even listen to them given their poor track record?”

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The body of scholarship dedicated to analyzing, understanding, and changing America's enormous carceral complex is growing fast.

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“Humans are the planet’s outliers when it comes to murder.

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The cover of Plant: Exploring the Botanical World is compelling with its eye-catching, embossed kaleidoscope of floral and leaf images set against a simple black background.

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"The reader is transported to an exquisitely curated view of the Dior archive . . ."

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Nearly every holiday magnified not just a personal gratitude, but a larger one . . .

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Reckoning with Matter focuses on two inventors Blaise Pascal and Charles Babbage, and their efforts in the invention and construction of mechanical calculators.

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Robert Lowell was at the forefront of post WWII American letters, his volumes of poetry The Mills of the Kavanaughs, Life Studies, and Lord Weary’s Castle among the most lauded po

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“College for prisoners saves money and provides great net benefits to the prisoner and the community.”

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In the world of high jewelry (haute joaillerie or alta gioielleria) it is a rather well known fact that the French have always maintained a leading, if not, starring role.

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“echoes with a vision of the otherworldly, and a kind of purity where gravity has no pull and people float in a world of color and abstract beauty.”

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“By educating and inspiring you, Pierre Marcolini is doing a great service to the blossoming bean to bar chocolate movement.”
