“Before Nashville ‘done got all slicked up,’ country-style guitar, fiddles (which became ‘violins’ in the Nashville Sound), and banjos were the predominating instruments.
“Throughout Rin Tin Tin: The Life of the Legend Susan Orlean presents a story that is as engrossing as it is illuminating, which is, of course, her special magic.
“Keep On Pushing celebrates the musical and activist legacy of the 60s and laments the current era, in which ‘there exists no one effective organized mass movement of people, march
The intrinsic factor as to whether a book or movie is a success is quite subjective, and so it would follow that reviewing a book that is about reviewing movies poses its own set of challenges.
“Hollywood Left and Right is nonfiction at its best: entertaining and engaging, probing and provocative, detailed and comprehensive in coverage, multifaceted and far-ranging in its
Taking a one-year sabbatical off from a high-flying advertising career to explore the potential of a range of minimum-wage jobs might not be a possibility, or even a vaguely conceived idea for ever
From the photo on the cover—(taken by his father Joe with a 616 Kodak box camera) of young Davis hugging a teddy bear—to the strings of hilarious and touching stories, Donald Davis takes us on a jo
The first big laugh in Judi Dench’s highly enjoyable memoir And Furthermore is a visual joke on page one, where the reader is presented with a black and white picture of a group of very yo
Over the past few days this February 2011, a computer called Watson, built and programmed by IBM researchers, has played the game of Jeopardy! against two of the contest’s best players.
A short, novella-style book with no words, Images You Should Not Masturbate To uses random photographic images of common objects that, when viewed on their own merit, contain no hint of se
Cecil B. DeMille was one of the first true giants of the American film industry. His bigger than life persona has inspired author Eyman to attempt a bigger than life portrait.
As words for this review materialize upon the screen, Mötley Crüe’s Greatest Hits’ crunches and screams in the background, raucous and direct in the commutation from auditory to written form.