
Reviewed by: 

Prior to David A. Bell’s new work, detailed investigations of the “life and times of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821)” did not evoke notions of a short, slim volume.

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“brings to light a truth that should be told of how ordinary men and women struggled for four years to help liberate their country . . .”

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Anghiari was a minor battle on June 29, 1440, in a series of otherwise all too common Florentine defeats as this commune spiraled toward the bottom in the years of the Italian Renaissance.

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“does an admirable job of showing how national identity, myth-making, and popular culture can influence the historical narrative . . .”

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MI6 and CIA be damned! The Vatican and Pope Pius XII during World War II could have put any espionage agency to shame.

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an illuminating linguistic, cartographic, and historical exploration of Parisian lusts.”

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Seventy-five years ago, humanity witnessed the most horrific crime in all of history. Tens of millions of innocent people were murdered in an effort to make Germany the leading world power.

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In his book The Cost of Courage author Charles Kaiser brings the horror of existing in occupied France during World War II front and center.

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“For those who like history and drama, there is plenty of both in this novel, with good plot twists and turns.”

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“good storytelling built on solid scholarship . . .”

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[a] powerful and compelling novel.

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He tells the story of how his company had to separate from a beverages industry partner, because the latter was too worried about the quarterly bottom line.

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“. . . a well-written piece of investigative journalism that asks some deeply troubling questions . . .”

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“. . . an entertaining account that strings together fascinating factoids into a tapestry of urban history and cultural anthropology.”

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“. . . informative and entertaining, filled with grisly anecdotes and case histories, religious, social, and medical interpretations . . .”

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“. . . assured and compelling. . . . fascinating and perceptive . . .”

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“. . . a richly researched, carefully crafted, balanced history of personal privacy . . .”

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“. . . an amazing story of how Denmark saved its Jews from Nazi Germany.”

Stephen Harding is senior editor of Military History and a prolific researcher and military historian whose works include seven other nonfiction books as well as hundreds of magazine artic

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“Most of The Honored Society isn’t about ’Ndrangheta at all. Ms. Reski didn’t have enough material for a full-length exposé . . .”

“Our Tortured Souls is the story of men who endured their own particular 45 days of hell on earth ‘in a very small place.’”

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“. . . thanks to determined writers like Mr. MacAirt the truths behind this particular tragedy have been resurrected.”

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“. . . a difficult, painful, and at times almost unbearable read. Yet this memoir should be widely read and discussed . . .”


“. . . an excellent historical study of a course of events in need of explication.”
