
Reviewed by: 

“When asked why his story was important, Schaefer said, ‘Even people who are conservative were saying, ‘If he hadn’t done this for his son, I would not only think of him as a bad father, bu

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“The thrust of the book is to develop the idea that a somewhat obscure first century Jewish prophet (Jesus Christ) somehow developed a following that led to Him being declared the divine So

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Why Science Does Not Disprove God is an interesting attempt at a form of religious apologetics, even though it does not always succeed in providing a solid defense of faith.

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Culture and the Death of God provides a unique perspective on the development of Western thought, exploring both the alternatives developed to replace traditional religion and the

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“In this book religion is actually the MacGuffin, the object in a suspense story that sets up the plot and keeps the chain of events in motion . .

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“In Goddesses Campbell attempts to restore the feminine to its rightful place in world mythology.”

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“. . . informative and entertaining, filled with grisly anecdotes and case histories, religious, social, and medical interpretations . . .”

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“. . . a readable and important book.”

Do you live in America and therefore think you live in a secular society separating church and state?

Artists and authors always walk a fine line when the subject of religion enters the room. There are many that truly wish to have a dialogue about faith, but how to begin the conversation?

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“. . . incredibly relevant lessons on Judaism and life.”

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The Holy Spirit is not a book for those looking for a quick read or a cursory treatment of the subject.

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“The Science of Miracles is a worthwhile and challenging book for both the skeptic and the believer.”

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“As a popularization of recondite argument, God in Proof mingles accessible explanations with a reporter’s fresh outlook.”

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“Dr. Stenger’s history of the atom is good. His philosophical arguments and conclusions are inadequate.”

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“. . . very academic and interesting, but misses the mark in the real world.”

Same-sex marriage is fiercely debated today.

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Dr. Gilbert Meilander has been at the forefront of the development of Christian bioethics for decades and has made many contributions in both the private and public arenas.

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“The Sacredness of Human Life challenges us, calling on us to rethink our thoughts and ideas . . .”

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“Illness and disease force one to separate the gripping and material mind-body connection, summoning forth a previously unknown strength of spirit.

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“. . . will be welcomed by many capable of discerning wisdom within advanced argument—while undoubtedly opposed by certain powers that be.”

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“. . . a thought-provoking book clearly challenging the prevailing materialistic paradigm about the nature of the world.”

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“. . . full of sly, scholarly challenges to the common wisdom peddled as dharma, karma, and nirvana.”

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“In God’s Shadow is an interesting scholarly book on a challenging topic.”

“How much room for politics can there be when God is the ultimate ruler?”

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“A reasoned and systematic historical analysis of contemporary Islamic societies is a book still waiting to be written.”
