
Reviewed by: 

“The expression ‘knowledge is power’ has never been more appropriate. Mr. DiSalvo takes the mystery out of our daily self-sabotage.

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“Living in Gratitude is an easy to read, practical guide to becoming more aware of the blessings we all have in our lives.

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“The authors of Healing at the Speed of Sound do an excellent job of providing readers with solid scientific evidence in easy-to-understand terms.

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“Parents of children who have been diagnosed as belonging to one of these groups and adults who have been living with any of these labels will find positive affirmation and encouraging advi

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“The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women examines a common affliction and offers tools, insight, scientific evidence, and numerous examples that aim to banish the impostor for good

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“Willpower combines research descriptions, summaries of findings, and discussion of the application of the research with stories featuring celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey to faci

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“This book should be read by all “House” fans. . . . All students of psychology . . . Basic issues of personal behavior are covered in a clear, understandable fashion.

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“Ms. Cohen’s Dirty Little Secrets is a perfect catalyst for mother/daughter discussions. It is a safe place to start a scary talk . . . a wake-up call. . . .

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“If the human mind is capable of solving the problems of the human mind, Ned Zeman is living proof of that hypothesis.”

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“an intelligently written look into why most people take an optimistic view of life. . . . stimulating discussion . . . in easily understood language . . .

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“Long for This World is a grand survey of cutting-edge biology in the hands of visionary researchers, made vivid by Mr. Weiner’s marvelous writing.”

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“The book provides an academically oriented but clearly conveyed analysis of what earlier decades in the past century have judged right and wrong about Northern Irish women and their sexual

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“the . . . condition opened up a new life for him. ‘Amnesia,’ Mr. Zeman writes, ‘is God’s reset button.’”

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“The Psychopath Test looks at both the dark and light side of psychiatry, and Jon Ronson’s findings raise a few serious issues regarding questionable decisions and the exponential

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The Accidental Creative is full of interesting quotes, scenarios, and observations on both productivity and the creative process.”

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“Belief comes first, rationalizations follow behind. That is the basic theme of this new book on belief by professional skeptic, Michael Shermer.”

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You’re blocked again. Your deadline is approaching, and inspiration is nowhere in sight. You’ve read the paper, scanned the TV listings, eaten all the yogurt in the fridge and still: nothing.

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If, like presidential elections, bestsellers were determined by choosing the person that we would most like to have a beer with, Joshua Foer, author of Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Sc

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The revolution to which this book refers is the widespread use and acceptance of mindfulness and how it has been applied throughout society.

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In Never Say Die, author Susan Jacoby recalls waiting at a New York City bus stop one frigid December day “when an old woman, who appeared to be in her eighties and was hunched over and cr

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Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff is the fourth installment in Don Bruns’ addictive Stuff series, featuring protagonists James Lessor and Skip Moore (think Jim Rockford and Columbo on acid, thou

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As an analyst and analysand, who since her unconventional childhood has meditated and studied Buddhism, Pilar Jennings brings her professional expertise and personal experience into this rewarding,

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In a crime investigation, a police detective usually asks, “Who had the means, motive, and the opportunity to commit this crime?” In the book Profiling: The Psychology of Catching Killers,

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This is a very interesting book, albeit with a misleading title. Perhaps the title was a ploy to attract readers of popular science, when in fact this is a book for readers of serious science.
