Lois Wilmoth-Bennett PhD

Lois Wilmoth-Bennett worked in public schools in Ohio as a psychologist and Director of Special Education. After earning her Ph.D. from Kent State University, she joined Counseling Consultants, as senior psychologist, consulting with doctors and staff in a multiplicity of nursing homes to provide the most appropriate situation for individual residents, many of whom were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Wilmoth-Bennett moved to Central Florida in 1996 to care for her mother, as she grew more incapacitated with Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Wilmoth-Bennett’s years in Florida led to a later-life career in editing and publishing novels with her business partner, Joan West, at Fireside Publications.

Books by Lois Wilmoth-Bennett include Beyond Forever under the pseudonym Taylor Shaye, Deadly Visions, and Essays On Living with Alzheimer’s Disease: The First Twelve Months. Her plans for the immediate future are to write a sequel to her last book focusing on lifestyle changes for people with Alzheimer’s disease and to complete a third novel.

Dr. Wilmoth-Bennett’s two daughters live in Central Florida. Her son Gregory and his wife Cindy live with their prize-winning show dogs in Wadsworth, Ohio.

Book Reviews by Lois Wilmoth-Bennett PhD

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“A Quiet Vendetta is highly recommended for readers interested in the psychological makeup and motivation behind the actions of both the hunter and his prey.

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“Though Pathological Altruism may not be fodder for the leisure reading public, it will lead the way for future investigators and scientists to open the doors of inquiry into a new

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“Detective Green is a believable character, down on his luck with little going for him but his job.

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“R. J. Ellory, while possibly besting his 2009 novel, A Quiet Belief in Angels, cleverly weaves in a parallel backstory . . .”

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A career spent working in what some might term “God’s Waiting Room” has helped psychiatrist Marc Agronin, Medical Director for Mental Health and Clinical Research at Miami Jewish Health Systems and

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Standing in the midst of Lafayette Park, skilled assassin John Carr, aka Oliver Stone, breathes in the serenity of his surroundings and peruses the magnificent sight of the White House perhaps for

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Beautiful yet vulnerable, Teresa McLaughlin knows how to push people’s buttons to get what she wants; she’s had lots of practice during her volatile fifteen-year marriage to Chris Donatti, who morp

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The Trials of Zion challenges the imagination of the most avid aficionado of courtroom drama and intrigue, as Alan Dershowitz expertly intertwines contemporary views of Middle Eastern trad

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It requires a degree of self-importance to presume to critique such a prolific writer as James Patterson.

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“Doublethink must go.” These words destroy a man’s life rather than create the challenge intended by the sender.

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Burning Lamp, Book Two of the Dreamlight Trilogy, is an Arcane Society novel familiar to many readers of science fiction and fantasy.

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Across the “pond” and beyond, A Thousand Cuts, by Londoner Simon Lelic not only emulates the headlines, it dissects them by exploring the views and theories of those observers and amateur