Women Sleuths

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“full of derring-do, luscious descriptions in the cities of England and France, and appealing and not-so-appealing characters.”

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“Lorenzo Carcaterra creates a warm and fuzzy read with a feel-good plot—a cozy mystery in its truest form.”

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“First published in Sweden in 2020, the novel is eerily prescient in its depiction of Russian duplicity and ruthlessness. It even has a nasty thing or two to say about Vladimir Putin . .

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“One of Vic’s friends makes a comment near the end that sums up why this investigator finds her work worth the effort: Max comments, ‘If everyone sat at home watching Netflix, we’d never ha

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“Margolin is a wizard who creates a story that brings all the issues to a neatly trimmed head.”

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“. . . a keeper that could easily end up in someone's private special collection.”

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“Cates provides a story that moves along at a good pace while educating the reader on all thing’s witchery.”

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“Reyes does well when creating her primary characters.

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“The Left-Handed Twin is a disappointment.”

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“From the first page, As the Wicked Watch, told in first person through the eyes of Jordan Manning, straps readers in and takes them on a breathless and bumpy ‘whodunit’ ride that

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“Enough plot for two novels, so this single entry is crammed full of danger and hairbreadth escapes, to say nothing of the emotional tension still existing between the two amateur sleuths.”

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Twin sisters, once extremely close when growing up in an eccentric household with a demeaning and scolding mother, alcoholic grandfather, and absent father, are now separated by thousands of miles

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“the story holds together and delivers a fast, intense, thought-provoking read.”

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Once again Donna Andrews takes readers to Caerphilly, Virginia, in this cozy mystery series that’s loaded with quirky characters and weird yet credible crimes.

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“One Half Truth is a top-notch police procedural from an author with a sure hand, an unwavering eye for detail, and a clear voice perfectly suited to the genre.”

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“As in the other books of this series (and there’s no need to read them before An Irish Hostage), Bess demonstrates presence of mind under fire, strong nursing skills, and adept ca

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“Schellman produces a good premise and a strong cozy.

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“The series anchor, Perveen Mistry, is one of the most delightful and engaging protagonists you’re likely to meet in historical fiction.”

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“Gilbert presents a good story, a fast read, and enough clues, red herrings, foreshadowings, and questions to keep the pages turning.”

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“Deadly Delights moves along at warp speed, and just when the reader thinks s/he knows who the killer is, Walker throws a speed bump on the highway.”

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“The truth about the bodies buried in the pineapple field will reveal a convoluted history of abuse, coercion, identity theft, and murder.”

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“Greenwood’s fans will be satisfied as Miss Fisher uses her cunning and wit to solve another crime and keep her reputation intact.”

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“a tightly woven, fast-paced, tension-filled thrill ride.”

The unnamed assassin in Endings receives coded text messages that read like this:

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“a fascinating novel, filled with facts about life in the fin-de-siècle of the Victorian Era, of the niche of women during that time, social comme

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When the Stars Go Dark is an intriguing, harrowing story that suggests we should never grow comfortable in a false sense of security . . .
