“the underlying message of the book is that no matter how well loved and well supported you are, bad things can happen that aren’t your fault, and they can mess you up no matter what you do
“Meyerson does an admirable job of answering the question she posed to herself, and by the end of the story, ties up all the loose ends that she tossed out to the reader from the beginning.
“Overall, this is a reasonably good story that could have been much stronger. . . . The ending ties everything together but feels too pat and maybe a little too cute.
In her latest novel, New York Times bestselling author Alison McGhee tackles a moral conundrum that promises to push all the buttons around freedom of choice.
Baby boomers and lovers of the Massachusetts islands of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket can reminisce over the year of 1969 when the younger generation was feeling their oats through f
“At times The Mother-In-Law reads more like a character study of two very different women than a mystery, yet every page pulsates with Sally Hepworth’s skill in getting inside the
It is mid-August and tropical storm Noelle is forecast to make landfall on the east coast of the U.S. with a dire prediction of turning into a massive and destructive hurricane.
Many of us make friends we vow to keep forever no matter what. This is what Maggie, Evvie, and Topher pledge while attending West Country University in the United Kingdom.