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Psychological suspense has a new reigning queen.

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Why do family members tend to withhold secrets or are hesitant to share their innermost thoughts from each other; the very ones they are supposed to love and trust the most?

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This gripping gut-level revenge-fueled psychological suspense from Victoria Helen Stone introduces a narrator you will love to hate. As Jane herself says:

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“will appeal to anyone who likes the hardboiled Southern private eye novel where evil lurks beneath the surface of a quiet little town.”

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Young professor Jonah Baum teaches transcendental poetry and Gothic literature at a small Vermont college.

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Ah, the mother-teenage daughter relationship: anxiety, pressure, sullen silence, forced cheerfulness, eye-rolling, snippy comments, guilt, fear, and a few precious moments of sweetness.

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Andromeda Romano-Lax surprises and delights readers in her new novel, Plum Rains. The book follows the lives of a trio of unusual characters: Angelica, a Filipina nurse, living in Japan on

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“A Noise Downstairs is a terrific edge-of-your-seat Hitckcockian psychological thriller . . .”

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Ashley, Lauren, and Natalie have been through everything together. From college days to husbands to babies to business, they have been there for each other, navigating the good and the bad.

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This is a graphic novel with a difference.

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“a disgusting, disturbing, magnificent book.”

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“bleak, despairing, and an utterly compelling examination of freewill versus fate.”

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What preschool has not had a Tyrannosaurus Wrecks moment? This delightful board book will immediately be a classroom and family favorite.

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“a terrific addition to your crime fiction library. . . . provides interesting insight into Chandler’s creative processes. . . . you’re going to have fun with this one.”

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“this story is full evidence that ghosties and ghoulies inhabit places other than the United States and Transylvania.”

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“a touching, satisfying story, . . . [a] profound and insightful tale.”

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Katie Beiler, a young Amish woman living in Blue Ball, Pennsylvania, is at a crossroads in her life. Her twin, Hannah left their homestead to become "English" and live in New York City.

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Physician’s assistant Annie Marlow, happy with her life and job in southern California, feels guilty when her mother pleads with her to come home for Thanksgiving.

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Extravagant and demonic, the second novel by Christian Kracht opens with the most precise description of the act of committing hari-kari that you will ever read.  Precision is central to The De

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“These stories are indeed strange, but no stranger than the political and moral universe we now inhabit, although infinitely more pleasurable and enticing.”

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A former government assassin battles to survive in an apocalyptic world ravaged by war and infested with giant bugs in Apocalypse Nyx.

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“for kids worried about the first day of school, this book offers something to make them feel better.”

“This Shakespearean noir of female intimacy and violence is rich, provocative, and memorable.”

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“Clearly, Cherise Wolas is not yet in the ranks of our foremost literary fiction writers—but she can be one day.

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“a rambling, innovative, cerebral, and wildly entertaining ‘trippy’ journey that drives home essential questions while providing none of the answers . . .”
