“Rust in the Root is an absolute delight of a book, with thick worldbuilding, a complex magic system, discussions of race, power, gender, and sexuality—all wrapped
“These Southern Stepford wives will match Scarlett O’Hara for sheer determination and surpass Buffy the Vampire Slayer with their courage, while giving the reader an unexpected ironic chuck
The world of fantasy is alive with short fiction, and those wild-growing stories are bundled together by a league of anthologists who carefully arrange tales by theme.
“New readers and seasoned veterans alike will enjoy this dive back into the land of talking unicorns, demon-dead queens, brooding sex, and the Blood politics that made the series a favorite
“this novel is definitely a heart-pounder, and a good incentive to sleep with the lights on. Kudos to Anonymous for a chilling addition to stories of this urban legend.”
“Sisyphean is a challenging read, but love it or leave it, one will come away with a deep admiration for its ideas, genre boundary breaking, immersive world-buildi