Urban Fantasy

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“an easy read that provokes laughter throughout, but surprises with its serious themes and meaningful contemplations of friendship, loyalty, and bravery.”

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“Fans of Jim Butcher will love this fast-paced supernatural thriller, filled with just the right balance of horror and heart.”

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“ . . . the world of cartographic research at the New York Public Library feels alive and real, and the magic of the book is unique and delightful . . .”

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Max Little is dying and wants to leave behind something of his life.

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“thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining. Eoin Colfer’s specialty is magical realism, and it shines through this entire tale.”

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“Dark, haunting, lyrical, and innovative, beautiful and heartfelt . . .”

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“Walton has a knack for presenting unexpected and very human glimpses of both historical and fictional figures, and her delight with the city of Florence may inspire many to visit.”

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“This book is quite entertaining. It is literally a page-turner and a very successful whodunnit.”

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Matt Ruff’s novels are an eclectic tour through contemporary speculative fiction and horror. Ruff has a real affinity for identifying crucial culture influences and shaping stories around them.

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“Beyond the narrative wisecracks and ridiculously disastrous situations Colfer puts the characters through, what makes Highfire so successful is the author’s sharp, compelling craf

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“In this entry in the series, the characters are at their most human, touching as it does on that one condition every person secretly fears, the loss of self.”

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“What makes Ninth House authentic is Bardugo's ability to mix the supernatural with everyday humanity and make it seem perfectly normal.”

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“The long-awaited third novel of the Relic series is here.

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Once you open the cover, be prepared for an evening to disappear like a werewolf with a portal ring.”

Monster Hunters Unite!

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“A great, big, fun, sprawling book that satisfies even to the final page.”

“The Wheel Turns.”

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“this story is full evidence that ghosties and ghoulies inhabit places other than the United States and Transylvania.”

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“A powerful and thought-provoking story filled with the use of Native American legends and arcane magic.”

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Gluttony Bay is the sixth book in the Sin du Jour Affair by Matt Wallace, preparing fans for the Martini Shot of the series.

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“a haunting story of one man’s determination to assuage his grief by keeping the dead alive and another man’s struggle to give them peace.”

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“Ladee Hubbard has written a celebration of family, as well as of the individual.”

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Bookburners is outstanding.

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School is out and Xanther can finally spend more time with the little one, her white cat.

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Level Grind is a compilation of the first four short novels of the Twenty-Sided Sorceress series, an urban fantasy collection about Native American sorceress-in-hiding Jade Crow and her mo

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“will easily be remembered as one of the most unique and unforgettable werewolf tales ever written.”
