Brian Adams

Brian Adams recently retired after teaching for 20 plus years at Greenfield Community College in Western Massachusetts where he was a Professor of Environmental Science and co-chair of the Science Department.
He suffers from OCD (Obsessive Climate Disorder) and is doing all he can (or at least a little bit) to pull the world back from the brink of total catastrophe. He wrote the world’s first rom-com/cli-fi (climate fiction) novel Love in the Time of Climate Change, which was a Foreword Reviews 2014 IndieFAB Gold Medal Winner for Humor and drew heavily on his experiences teaching and working with students. His most recent book is another romantic comedy, the young adult climate change novel KABOOM!, winner of gold medals for both the 2017 Next Generation Indie Book Award for Young New Adult and Literary Classics Book Award for Environmental Issues, as well as other honors. He has yet another romantic comedy awaiting a hopeful “thumbs up” from his publisher, this time centered around Internet addiction and the need to reconnect with the land.
Mr. Adams lives with his wonderful wife and cat in Northampton, Massachusetts.