Plot points abound at the beginning of Hays’ Pesticide: rioters attack police in central Bern, resulting in a murder; police officer Giuliana Linder deals with accidental homicide while re
“First published in Sweden in 2020, the novel is eerily prescient in its depiction of Russian duplicity and ruthlessness. It even has a nasty thing or two to say about Vladimir Putin . .
“Herron’s plot is packed with twists and delightfully sardonic conversations, and the book’s only major flaw is that at some point it ends and one must resume normal life.”
“Silverview is a gift to scholars, aficionados of the genre, and readers at large eager for one last look at the creative mind of an acknowledged master.”
13 Days to Die is a riveting international thriller touching on a threat that is very relevant today: a virus from China, used as a weapon to create a pandemic.
The Indian city of Bombay, renamed Mumbai by the government in 1995, is one of those international cities, like Shanghai and Istanbul, that is drenched in romance and intrigue.
“There’s a buzz around Eva García Sáenz and her trilogy, and The Silence of the White City is a crime novel you’ll want to put at the top of your summer reading list.”