
How God Became God is an excellent tool for furthering spiritual development.”

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“For Christians wanting to understand the first followers of their faith, or the skeptic wanting to understand how this faith was formed, this book is a good place to start

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“When asked why his story was important, Schaefer said, ‘Even people who are conservative were saying, ‘If he hadn’t done this for his son, I would not only think of him as a bad father, bu

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“The thrust of the book is to develop the idea that a somewhat obscure first century Jewish prophet (Jesus Christ) somehow developed a following that led to Him being declared the divine So

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The Holy Spirit is not a book for those looking for a quick read or a cursory treatment of the subject.

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“. . . very academic and interesting, but misses the mark in the real world.”

Same-sex marriage is fiercely debated today.

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Dr. Gilbert Meilander has been at the forefront of the development of Christian bioethics for decades and has made many contributions in both the private and public arenas.

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“. . . will be welcomed by many capable of discerning wisdom within advanced argument—while undoubtedly opposed by certain powers that be.”

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“The basic theme of the book is that one comes to know God in a learning process. . . . an insightful, sensitive, and compassionate study . . .”

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Expelled from Eden, wanderlust may have been one curse for Adam and Eve. In this survey of modern exiles, their yearning to go back to the Garden afflicts them with the same intensity.

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Romance with a social message rooted in Christianity is the basis of Kathi Macias’ Extreme Devotion Series.

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Rick Hodes grew up on Long Island. There was nothing in his background to suggest that he would become a doctor who devoted his life to some of the sickest and poorest souls on our planet.
