Elections & Political Process

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Playing with Fire: The 1968 Election and the Transformation of American Politics is an important and informative book that becomes more and more amazing as it progresses.

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“I didn’t read her book. All those reviews . . .” said a 60-something man.

“I never liked her. She’s too pompous,” said a middle-aged woman.

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“Flake is to be applauded for courageously calling out Trump and his many enablers in the Republican Party for their dangerous dance with authoritarian and bigoted white nationalism.”

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As Donald Trump might claim, we are the largest audience to witness what is possibly the biggest ever corporate coup, the takeover of a country.

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Ever since Donald Trump’s election to the presidency, the words “white working class” have had a hocus-pocus power in American politics.

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On any given day, the daily tumult of presidential politics and the reconfigured political paradigm have given voters a new set of keywords and phrases that bedevil the Administration and have the

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Malcolm Nance’s The Plot to Hack America is an essential primer for anyone wanting to be fully informed about the unprecedented events surrounding the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

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Those readers interested in Napoleon will want to give this slim volume a pass—this is a book for academics interested specifically in leadership.
