“Based upon eyewitness accounts, journal entries, interviews, letters, and journals, this is an outstanding record of the activities and events in the life of Josef Mengele as a notorious f
“Early 20th century writing, especially translated from one language to another, can be challenging to read, but Nèmirovsky’s story and Smith’s translation make Master of Souls
“the novel is a big story embracing many interrelated things, solidly grounded in reality over time, containing the pains, passions, and wonders of multiple characters acro
“The book highlights the bravery, courage, and determination of a female doctor ahead of her time, saving broken bones as well as broken souls. Every woman's heroine.
All the Lights Above Us covers approximately the 24 hours of D-Day, almost minute-by-minute, through the eyes of five disparate women in England, France, and Germany whose lives are upende
“Thornton’s strong writing and seamless plotting compel the reader to keep reading, both to find out what happened to Elizabeth in her youth and to uncover the connection between the former
This moving tale commences in the present time with Cassie Simmons, the assistant curator at the Maison François Baby House Museum in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
“With a gentle hand, Ella Shane draws back the curtain revealing that crime does exist in her world, while at the same time showing that goodness and mercy also abide.”
“Hyperbole and exaggeration are the definition of camp, an air of performance also part of the package, and Walker’s characters obligingly give the impression of always being always in desp