In this enticing historical novel about the French designer Coco Chanel, Edith Piaf meets Maria Duenas’s heroine in the well-received and compelling 2014 novel, The Time In Between.
“This ambitious but beautifully executed historical novel captures the life and times of half a millennium ago, and with the above parallels, draws us closer to today’s publishing revolutio
“Tita is not an exercise in blind nostalgia for a lost past. It is a rich and warm, yet open-eyed portrait of a place and time just beyond our current reach.
“The Gears have written an epic novel that combines the cultural history of Cahokia with the fast-paced narrative of a thriller to explore the all too human and universal dangers of greed a
“. . . a haunting and intimate portrait of the lives of women in war-torn Somalia . . . captures the bleakness of war and the triumph of the human spirit . . .”
The title Daughters of the Nile makes it sound like this book is set in Egypt, but one of the many pleasures of Dray’s novel about Selene, the daughter of the famous Cleopatra, is that its
Imagine: Although your normal workday is perfectly honorable and suited to your talents, you must take advice from exploitative mentors and allow yourself to be confined in an unnatural enclosure.