
Reviewed by: 

“. . . a valuable textbook that has arrived in the nick of time.”

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“A must read for anyone and interested in places and how they affect all parts of our lives and cultures. The Greatest Grid calls the reader to browse randomly.

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“Whether you experience Tenryu-ji in person or through the pages of the book, you will learn to understand the enduring appeal of Japanese gardens and will take away a lot more than photogr

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“. . . the wise reader will tough it out, because taken as a complete work, the story that these 40 anecdotes tell is captivating.

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What does it take to make a place lively, a code word for appealing, competitive, sustainable? What choices should those who have leadership responsibility for place stewardship make?

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Addressing the role of urban placemaking in the context of the challenges of contemporary society, authors Robert Steuteville and Philip Langdon observe, “While the world has big issues, we should

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“For the architect long out of school, yet still passionate about the profession, this series of extended essays should be a welcome addition to their reading lists.”

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“Mr. Pallasmaa’s architectural journeys are all the more valuable because they are so uncommon. . . . These are brave journeys into terra incognita . . .

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Veteran author Bill Bryson delights in skewering the arrogant rich in England and the United States, particularly the folks who lived in the 19th and early 20th centuries in this quirky survey book
