Women’s Fiction

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“In the end the real question is: What would happen if we were to throw away caution and good sense and choose instead to enjoy a moment—albeit a delectable one—in time?

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“As with most of Ms. Roberts’ series, it’s visits with the characters they have come to know and love. It’s over. But at least these characters ended up happy ever after.”

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“This tender, coming of age debut novel is seasoned throughout with similes and metaphors, adding spice to the characters and the description of this scenic yet secluded setting.

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“Always Coca-Cola’s best moments illustrate the fault-line between tradition and modernity . . .

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“Each author tells the tale of a separate character, each in her own unique voice, somehow seamlessly meshing the four together and thus allowing the story to flow and blossom.

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The Christmas Wedding introduces us to Gaby Summerhill, a lifelong resident of Stockbridge Massachusetts.

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“Grief never ceases to transform.”

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“Despite coming in at just under 500 pages, If This Is Paradise, I Want My Money Back seems to go by in a flash.

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“Wishes and Stitches delivers a heroine with enough issues to be convincingly difficult to love, a hero who’s immensely likeable, several steamy love scenes, and a comfortably fami

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“Delightfully entertaining with a killing sense of humor, Practical Jean: A Novel is worthy contender for Book of The Year. You’ll love it to death.”

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“But, oh, there is fun to be had in The Goddess of Vengeance. Fun aplenty. . . . No one will ever accuse Jackie Collins of writing literature. . . .

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Laila Riley is in love with Matthew O’Brien, a younger man and a purported womanizer.

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“Definitely Not Mr. Darcy is entertainment in its purest form, a skirt-flying tumble of a story, and an excellent, lighthearted way to while away a quiet afternoon.”

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“. . . a plot-driven novel conveyed in crisp, descriptive, and thought-provoking prose via an engagingly intelligent third-person narrator. . . . an auspicious debut.”

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“Though the theme of selling one’s soul is an ancient one, this page-turner is a contemporary look into the moral and psychological implications of one’s cherished desires being manifested

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“Ms. Graves does a fine job of balancing sharp, sexy humor with warm, authentic emotion. Bernie and Jeremy make the reader both chuckle and feel their pain—a truly potent combination.

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“My gal done me wrong is a terrific reason for an anthology. Noir, much beloved in both books and movies, is notable for the unsentimental portrayal of violence and sex.

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“In the end, Aftertaste is a great reminder to all of us that sometimes life can spin out of control, but by and large, with good ingredients, a set of sharp knives and a solid understandin

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“What could be better than the high-speed, high-stakes, high-danger and testosterone-fueled venue of race car driving filled with competitive men with a spunky Irish girl determined to win

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“. . . the literary equivalent of a bridge too far.”

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“Pretty is ex-pretty girl Bebe Baker’s story. . . . Bebe’s in-your-face voice is one of the novel’s strengths. . . . At times Bebe is maddening, but in Ms.

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“All [the stories in this collection] share a quality of an emotional ache. And all share a tendency toward material that is overworked, with tales told in unfortunate verb tenses . . .

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“Author Cook hits the mark by addressing the single mother’s angst, fears, and worries regarding her child as well as herself.
