“Baart is an accomplished storyteller. She excels at layering concurrent plot threads, character arcs, and suspense with layer upon layer of storied detail . . .
“Ryan once again shows her flair for spinning, from a life similar to her own, a set of intense and spiraling threats, with more than one devilish intent behind the scenes, and only the nar
“In this debut, Huisman has already given her readers a richly textured portrait of an enthralling woman you might love as a dinner companion—but never as your mother.”
“Beard’s writing brings the premise of each chapter to life, allowing the reader to become the protagonist of the moment, experiencing the situation in which she finds herself.”
Susie Mast is still grieving and devastated by the loss of her brother Eli many years before. His horrifying screams and broken body constantly plague her though more than a decade has passed.
Louis-Philippe Dalembert’s story of immigrants attempting to escape their home countries for better lives shines harrowing light on the experience of multitudes of people fleeing war, famine, droug
There’s a wonderful sense of place in A Hand to Hold in Deep Water, the muddy shore of a small, tourist-and-fishing island in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.