
Reviewed by: 

“The Demon Lover is a perfect book for reading in a big comfy chair with a roaring fire nearby, a soft, fuzzy blanket wrapped about your legs.

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“Readers already familiar with the series may enjoy the deeper exploration of Duncan and Gemma’s relationship and family issues, whereas newcomers—especially those looking for a police proc

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“The Battle of the Crater is a fascinating and engrossing read for any Civil War enthusiast—fiction and nonfiction lovers alike.”

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“While The House at Tyneford clearly lacks the inventiveness, quality, and literary heft of Jane Eyre, it is unmistakably an homage to Bronte’s novel.”

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“There are better Roberto Bolaño novels already out there, but The Third Reich stands up well and gives us an intriguing insight into how their author’s world view was informed by

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“Ben Marcus was already known as a daring, experimental writer’s writer on the strength of his three previous books of fiction.

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“Always Coca-Cola’s best moments illustrate the fault-line between tradition and modernity . . .

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“Fracture is a powerful, gripping tale of friendship and the sanctity of life.

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“Craig McDonald uses his skills to write a drama that demands the reader pay attention, if a character has a Latino or Anglo name, the reader can’t make assumptions about where the characte

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“Ms. Brod’s writing is smooth and the subplots about her mom and the protagonist’s relationship differences are handled with care and thoughtfulness.

“Mr. Nesbø, despite what would be tragic flaws in lesser hands, takes these flaws and uses them to his advantage to make for a hell of a good book. How?

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“There are some interesting twists and turns as the story winds down—and yet the resolution of the child abduction seems to take the reader on a separate path away from the original story o

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“Glamour Job is a rollicking tale that never lets up.

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“Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine Presents Fifty Years of Crime and Suspense is not an anthology of the best crime stories of the past 50 years, the best that were published in AHMM

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“Down the Darkest Road" is a masterful tale, offering up a strong narrative sprinkled with similes and metaphors; captivating, eccentric, feisty characters; and an abundance of sheer, wick

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“Greg Herren knows how to tell a crime story without resorting to inane stereotyping. . . .

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“Each author tells the tale of a separate character, each in her own unique voice, somehow seamlessly meshing the four together and thus allowing the story to flow and blossom.

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“The Chessman succeeds in drawing in the reader with action and drama, wearing us down with mystery and suspense, and finally rewarding us for our tenacity by giving us a well-dese

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“. . . a masterful piece about street crime and the psyche of the men and women who work for the Toronto Police Department, Savage Rage offers up a skillful portrait. . . . Mr.

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“One of the great pleasures of reading utopian sci-fi is that one sees the author play with wild and exciting possibilities, to present futures we might one day have to live, and to juxtapo

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“So if you possess a penis, are a bathroom bibliophile with the attention span of a gnat, and happen to be looking for a read that is as timely as, say, feather hair extensions, then perhap
