Women’s Fiction

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this compelling novel explores important themes such as colonialism, friendship, religion, and the meaning of ‘doing good.’”

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“In a business in which feminine beauty is what they’re selling, both Arden and Rubenstein eschewed those qualities society deemed feminine.”

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“an original and powerful novel that a reader won’t easily forget.”

Told through multiple perspectives, Leslie Rasmussen’s novel focuses on two protagonists, Katie and Rachel, who are charming and relatable.

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“Despite its flaws, the book ultimately succeeds in getting the reader to root for Grace.”

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Not for the first time, Nan Fischer has delivered an impressive tour de force of a novel with a finely plotted storyline and a host of believable charac

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intriguing, thought provoking . . . Rea Frey breathes life into universal themes concerning love, family, parenthood, forgiveness, grief, and second chances.”

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“This book belongs on the shelf until the next library book sale.”

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A Place to Land is an engaging book with enough intrigue . . . to stand alone and keep you guessing . . .”

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“The engrossing plot, richly drawn characters, and underlying horror make this a book that lingers in the reader’s mind . . .”

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Internet blogs have become popular, and Hollis Shaw, living in Wellesley, MA, is amazed by how her food blog, Hungry with Hollis, has taken off.

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“Fast-paced and fun to read, this tale told from an elder's point of view gives excellent insight into what many of us will deal with as we age.”

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“an electrifying read.”

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This is the story of Sallie Kincaid and her family. And oh, what a family.

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“Black's work is leaping ahead in power and energy, and Night Flight to Paris is one of the notable thrillers of the season.”

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“The significance of the dreams and the meaningful role they play in the plot is well done as is the blending of Cree mythology. . . . .

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“WW II’s worldwide impact, V-Day, and the role of women in the workplace are depicted alongside the use of animals for testing, and the thwarted attempt and eventual recall of the first mas

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“this novel asks one of humanity’s most important questions . . .”

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“this debut is a page-turner that will keep the reader . . . glued . . .”

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The Mitford Affair, an historical novel, begins in July 1932 and follows the aristocratic Mitford family through April 1941, as Britain recovers from World War I and reluctantly plunges in

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“a rich tapestry of a book . . .”

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“Alpsten does an excellent job providing vivid characterization and detail. As a result, Tsarina’s Daughter is an engaging novel that blends fact and fiction . . .”

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Winter finds us back in Marshbury, MA, as Noreen Kelly meets up with her buddies, Tess and Rosie, for their usual pre-dawn hikes.

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“Powerful characters with unforeseen events make this novel a page-turner.
