After 10 previous books of the “Otherworld” supernatural mystery series, New York Times bestselling writer Armstrong focuses on 21-year-old P.I./witch Savannah Levine.
Marilyn Meredith captures the essence of an untimely death in her paranormal romance, Lingering Spirit. Police officer Steve Ainsworth is gunned down during a routine traffic stop.
This is a world where calories are more precious than gold—where crops are engineered sterile by the titans of the industry, and the side effects of their genetic mistakes afflict the world at larg
The Boy With the Cuckoo-Clock Heart has more metaphors than a million-piece mega-puzzle that artfully fits together as an exquisite literary masterpiece.
Gateways is a collection of pieces—short stories and accolades—assembled with the sole purpose of honoring one of the greatest science fiction writers ever, Frederick Pohl, on the occasion
Blackwyrm Publications, February 2009 Can a world created in a work of fiction actually exist? That’s the premise of Ian Harac’s The Rainbow Connection.
A girl, her fiddle, and a quest to save her family at what might be the end of the world in 2041—what more could one ask for in a book? Well, what about love?
Ghostopolis is perfect proof that a graphic novel can tell as solid and detailed a story as a more traditional novel—and the fact that it’s aimed at kids and still manages this feat makes
In the current rush and abundance of vampire novels involving teenage protagonists and their dark and brooding love for the perfect immortal undead, it’s getting harder and harder to come up with s